Mini Golf Project

Mini Golf Project

4-Bar Coupler Curves

Coupler Curve

Security Devices Webpage

Security Devices Webpage

Mini Golf Project

Mini Golf Project Mini Golf Project Mini Golf Project      Above are pictures from a class project for General Engineering. The task was to design a mini-golf hole that would be played by prospective engineering students visiting Florida Tech. Each team's golf hole was designed around a movie, so our team chose to create a mini-golf hole fit to be played in Pirates of the Caribbean. Before building could begin, we had to set a budget and we were graded on both the comprehensiveness of that budget and on how well it was followed.

4-Bar Coupler Curve Software

Coupler Curve Coupler Curve      The pictures here show samples of a Java program I designed to trace out coupler curves of both Grashof and non-Grashof 4-bar mechanisms. This software is very useful in testing the extremely complicated paths of 6th degree coupler curves.

Security Devices Webpage

Security Devices Webpage      The purpose of this webpage was to display tracking data and a video feed from a project headed by Cameron Hume. The full description of the project can be found at his website.

      Website design is something I enjoy immensely and is why I put so much attention to detail into my own portfolio webpage. A seamless interface with technology is crucial to any good device. It is why Apple places such a high importance upon getting things "just right" for their customers and why I will continue to do so in my future projects.


"Stillwater Lodge"

My Story

"Don’t make the mistake of thinking the arts and sciences are at odds with one another. That is a recent, stupid, and damaging idea. You don’t have to be unscientific to make beautiful art, to write beautiful things." - Tim Minchin

      I was born in a peaceful town in North Dakota on the 29th of April 1996 to my parents, Brad and Anita. I have always had a wonderment for both art and science as a child and have grown up to find that they are not unequals, rather, they are two sides of the same coin. I find beauty in both the way things are designed and in the purpose they serve. Cars are designed to appeal to all senses and become a work of art not just to get you from location to destination. A fantastic example of this is Ferarri who make their engines sound musically perfect by engineering them to utilize 3rd and 6th harmonics in the air intake. I find this to be both inspiring and supporting to know that you can incorporate art into engineering. That is why I am studying Mechanical Engineering at Florida Tech. I know that when I design something, that it will be appreciated not only because it is useful but also because it is elegant in its form.

      I currently reside in Melbourne, FL and am enrolled at the Florida Institute of Technology. I'm majoring in Mechanical engineering and am also pursuing a minor in Computer Science which I hope will lead me to my dream career in designing recreational and offroad vehicles.


(701) 330-2991

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